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case study Character Animations


Increasingly, clients are turning to us to develop campaigns that have a broader impact across all generations and create bigger emotional recall potential.


Character animation of any kind can juggle many communication challenges. In recent decades, animated characters have increasingly been used outside of the entertainment industry. Its value as a communication tool is clearly evident whether it is used in branding, corporate, charity, health, or educational films.


Character animations are great for business. Using animated characters in your corporate film allows you to expand the boundaries of your imagination. This flexibility is a huge advantage for a company as it allows the creation of virtually any type of character. This means they can also become part of a larger, evolving communications campaign.

With animated characters you have control over your production processes and positive emotions with your brand are guaranteed. The carefully developed characters can be used over a long period of time and offer great opportunities for merchandising; They can even become a respectful source of income by themselves.
In some areas, a slick corporate video may be accurate but may kill any personal engagement by your target audience. Character animations encourage participation on all levels. In this case a corporate movie for Phonak for a device which seamlessly adapts to new noises, just like the skin of a chameleon adapts to its surroundings.
character animation img 1
In some areas, a slick corporate video may be accurate but may kill any personal engagement by your target audience.
Character animations encourage participation on all levels. In this case a corporate movie for Phonak for a device which seamlessly adapts to new noises, just like the skin of a chameleon adapts to its surroundings.
Character animations also help controlling any kind of animal protagonists on the film set. Or even to reinvent them from scretch.

Animated characters can invoke such strong emotions that people often want to share the video.

When your business is seeking to engage with children or teens, perhaps also in an educational context, an animated character can be an invaluable way of getting them involved. Here we have created “Obo”, a cute little monkey, who introduces a yoga program for pupils at primary school to slow down and prepare themselves better getting focused at school lessons.

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